A really rather nice birthday with cream tea and Twister

I hadn’t planned anything particular for my birthday, as I had and still have a stupid amount to do this weekend, but it has worked out to be a lovely day, anyway.

Lots of birthday greetings, I never thought so many would remember. I must shape up my act on remembering others – I used to be really on the case, but that and Christmas cards has really gone downhill…. It is a nice thing.

Sarah D came and picked me up for a birthday treat at Mock Turtle. We had their rather lavish cream tea and talked lots. Good for the soul.

Prior to that, we had a birthday game of Twister in the living room, which was good fun.

I opted out of Sunday lunch at the Sidewinder with Karen and the TNT/Snakepit lot in the end, as I had already agreed to tea at Mock Turtle, and haven’t seen Sarah for ages.

I shall not be painting the town red tonight, as I still have tons to do. It will be a late session.

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